Remember to report bobcat sightings to wildlife officers

Jordan Olinger is pictured holding up a dead bobcat that was found on his family’s property on County Road 23. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Bobcats are becoming more and more common in our area, but the Ohio Department of Natural Resources still wants to know when they are sited.
“If you find one that was hit on the road, have a picture of one (on your trail camera) or saw one in person we absolutely want to know,” said Jerrod Allison, Coshocton County’s wildlife officer. “We are trying to keep track of how many are here. We know they are working their way up from the southeast. It’s not uncommon to hear about them being hit by cars. We’ve picked several up. At least six or seven have been hit by cars in our county.”
The Olingers, who live on County Road 23, found one in their field on March 13 and reported it to Allison.
“Dad was on the tractor when he saw it,” said Jordan Olinger, the son of Kay and Tim Olinger. “He thinks someone probably hit it that morning. I’ve never seen one before other than in a picture my Dad’s friend had on his deer camera. It was pretty neat. I don’t know what I’d think though if I saw it in the woods.”
Kay said it had beautiful fur and its claws reminded her of a tiger. Tim guessed that the animal weighed between 25-30 pounds.
Allison said the bobcat was a male and will be sent to the state wildlife office.
“We are seeing them a lot more frequently from one end of the county to another,” he said.
Anytime someone sees a bobcat dead or alive in the county they should contact Allison by calling 1-800-WILDLIFE or 740-589-9982.
Category: People & Places