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Rent a RHS wrestler to help with spring clean-up

| April 3, 2017

WEST LAFAYETTE – The Ridgewood Rent-a-Wrestler Spring Clean-up Day will be held Saturday, April 29.

Area residents can rent a wrestler for a maximum of two hours. A minimum of a $10 dollar donation per wrestler per hour for odd jobs performed is requested. Residents are asked to please pay accordingly for job severity.

Rent-a-wrestlers work in pairs and can do odd jobs such as clean- up, loading, hauling, yard work, painting, lifting, organizing etc. Extra junk can also be hauled away. Items accepted for removal are: Appliances, grills, lawn chairs, batteries, mowers, motors, transmissions, pipe, bikes, tires with rims, copper, bed springs, metal frames, wood, etc. Certain activity is restricted such as the wrestlers operating equipment or machinery, and all work must be done on site. Wrestlers cannot be transported by a resident to another location.

Rent-a-wrestler is a fundraiser of the Ridgewood Wrestling Boosters. To schedule a wrestler to help you, call or message Dianne at 740-502-5288 or leave a message on the Ridgewood Sports Facebook page post in reference to the event. Because of time restraints and overwhelming support of the event, the clean-up day will be limited to a certain number of households this year.


Category: High School, Sports

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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