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Rep. Hayes announces passage of bill naming highway after fallen Coshocton soldier

| January 6, 2015

COLUMBUS—State Representative Bill Hayes (R-Harrison Township) announced the concurrence of Senate amendments on House Bill 440 yesterday by the Ohio House. Among other highway namings, this legislation designates part of U.S. Route 36 between Coshocton and West Lafayette, Ohio, in the 72nd House District, as the “Chief Petty Officer Raymond Border Memorial Highway.”

Chief Petty Officer Raymond Border was a Coshocton native and enlisted in the Navy right out of High School in 1999. Border was killed by an IED during his second tour in Afghanistan, when he stepped out of a vehicle while assisting with a road inspection for a convoy.  He previously served in Iraq and was killed during his second tour in Afghanistan.

“I believe that such a courageous and giving young man deserves to be recognized in the community that he loved and that loved him so much,” said Representative Hayes.

House Bill 440 now awaits action by the governor.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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