Ridgewood Board of Education approves personnel changes
WEST LAFAYETTE – The Ridgewood Local School Board met in regular session on July 17 with all members present. The meeting was called to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was given. Treasurer Jay Tingle gave the financial report. It was then approved by the Board. A donation of musical instruments was accepted from Alex Jonard on behalf of Bea Angle Jonard. Superintendent Mike Masloski recommended the following actions that were approved by the Board of Education:
- Joanna Seek recommended to serve as Special Education Representative for the 2017-2018 school year.
- Accepted the resignation of Melissa Bluck, Aide.
- The Jefferson County ESC to a Resolution to Authorize the Alternative School for 2017-2018 school year.
- Agreement with East Central Ohio ESC for fiscal year 2018.
- Reva Untied from RHS cook (2 hrs) to RHS cook (3 ½ hrs).
- Employed Sharon McCormick as RHS cook (2 hrs.) 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
- Melissa Asbury as summer help. (effective June 1, 2017.)
- Kassandra McConaha as a volunteer with the Marching Band.
- Memorandum of Understanding with OAPSE.
- Property Inventory as presented (First Reading)
Frank Mathews was appointed delegate to the Ohio School Board Conference Nov. 12-14. Cathy McCrea was appointed alternate.
The next regular Board of Education Meeting will be held Monday Aug. 21 at 7 p.m. at the Administration Office at 301 S. Oak St., West Lafayette.
Category: Education