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Ridgewood board updated on remote learning plans

| November 17, 2020

The Ridgewood Local Board of Education met in regular session on Nov. 16, at Ridgewood Elementary in the cafeteria. A moment of silence was observed for the untimely death of Greg Mast, husband of staff member Penny Mast.

Superintendent Mike Masloski gave commendations to Lexi Zimmer, RHS senior for her participation in the state golf tournament and the Ridgewood High School Varsity football team and coaches for a stellar season. He updated the board on the modified learning plan and the operation of the remote learning days. On remote days, all certified and classified personnel are to report to their respective buildings. On any remote Monday food deliveries will be made on the afternoon bus route for the week.

Purpose and budget statements for the class of 2023 and Quiz Team prepared by Duke Stark were approved. A Memorandum of Understanding of COVID Relief Funds with Adams Township, Village of West Lafayette, and Village of Plainfield totaling $117,000 was approved. These funds can only be used for equipment or services for relief of COVID-19.  They will be used to install an air quality ionization system to improve air quality in all buildings.

Teresa Stiteler and Arlene Mullet were approved as district substitutes for the 2020/2021 school year and Trish Bardall was approved as a volunteer for the 2020/2021 school year.

The records committee meeting will be Wednesday, Nov. 25 at 8 a.m. in the administration building. The next regular board of education meeting will be held on Monday, Dec. 14, at 6 p.m. at Ridgewood Elementary in the cafeteria.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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