Ridgewood district receives three substantial grants
WEST LAFAYETTE – The Ridgewood Local School Board met in regular session Monday, Aug. 20 with members Cathy McCrea, Frank Mathews, John Riebesell, and Alan Folkert present. The meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes of the previous special board meeting on July 17, finance meeting and regular board meeting on July 20 were approved.
Superintendent Mike Masloski gave the following reports:
The district has been the recipient of three substantial grants:
21st Century Community Learning Center Grant (CCLCG)
The 21st Century Community Learning Center programs provide opportunities for children who come from economically-disadvantaged families to receive academic support. The Ohio Department of Education’s Office of Improvement and Innovation administers the 21st CCLCG . This federally-funded grant program supports high quality, out-of-school time learning opportunities and related activities for students who attend eligible schools. Ridgewood Local School District partnered with the Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center to apply for the grant. Ridgewood High School and Ridgewood Middle School each received grants for up to one million dollars over a five-year period. These dollars will be utilized for after school tutoring and programming that will increase student growth and achievement.
Striving Readers Literacy Grant
The Ohio Department of Education Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy program’s purpose is to award competitive sub grants to advance literacy skills and development, with a focus on disadvantaged children. Ridgewood Local School District partnered with the Muskingum Valley Educational Service Center consortium comprised of five other districts in writing and be awarded the $ 1,053,547.00 grant. Our consortium centers on middle school student literacy core with explicit vocabulary instruction and discipline literacy and strengthening processes and practices related to multi-tiered system to close achievement gaps. Funds will be used to: Secure literacy coach, provide professional development, cover substitute cost to support professional development, district expenses to support after-school literacy team stipends, field trips, resource development and instructional materials. The grant is for a period of three years.
Ohio Deans Compact Incentive Grant
Ridgewood Local Schools and Muskingum University are entering their second year of the Ohio Deans Compact Incentive Grant. The $66,100 grant has been used to provide professional development and support on how to create a Trauma Informed School. The professional development is centered on research methods to combat adverse childhood experiences by building resiliency in students. Funds have been used for the following: Material/resources such as “10 steps to Create a Trauma-Informed School and Creating a Trauma-Sensitive Classroom”, staff training and summer workshops for elementary and middle school guidance counselors.
Commendations: The superintendent and board of education recognized the continued high standard to our district custodians, maintenance, building and grounds, technology, bus garage personnel, central office staff, secretaries and principals for their work during the summer to maintain buildings and facilities, busses, data entry, and preparation for the new school year.
A correction was approved from the July 20 meeting to read that the West Lafayette Chamber of Commerce was given permission to use the school grounds during the Village Homecoming Celebration not the Village of West Lafayette.
Jay Tingle, district treasurer, gave the following items that were approved in his report:
Finance report, bill payment for July 2018, transfers to the school-wide pool fund, purchase order for metal detectors, early childhood preschool funds, change funds for RMS, RHS, and central office, donations from Jeff Drennen Motors, Albertson Lawrence Insurance, ManCan, Mike Jones, Dollar General, Lonestar Fire Protection and Security, Kim Jones to RES and RMS, and permanent appropriations and estimated revenues.
The following actions recommended by the superintendent were approved:
Retirement of Debrah Kaser effective August 20, 2018, RMS custodian; Hired Christy Nelson, bus driver for 2018-2019 school year, Jennifer Terry, and Julianne Baker as district subs; Unpaid leave of absence to Julie Feldner for 2018-2019 school year; Savannah Slusser as long-term substitute for 8th grade social studies; East Central Ohio ESC agreement; OMERESA member service agreement for RY 2019; Coshocton County Board of DD agreement to provide physical therapy services for 2018-2019; Resolution of intent not to provide career-technical education for 7th and 8th grade due to impracticality; Maria Prater and Wendy Croy as home instruction teachers; Caleb Tingle as RHS football volunteer; Supplementals to: John Browning –auxiliary percussion; LPDC Jane Buehler, Lori Cabot, Matt Colvin Jeff Larr, Linda Ondayko; SLO-Trista Claxon, Troy Dolick, Kimberly McKibben, Todd Stoffer, Matt Wells; Mentor-Mentee Linda Ondayko-Matt Humphrey; Kelly Conner-Rachel Endlich; Penny Mast-Sam Carpenter; Jeff Larr-Autumn Hendershot; Wendy Croy – Jennifer Hall; Jeff Larr-Ashley Mason; Wendy Croy – Ryan Lowe; Linda Ondayko-Tyler McCullough; Penny Mast-Savannah Slusser.
Approved Hahn Oil for 2018-2019 Fuel bid; Participation in the META and OMERESA bus bids for FY 2019; Revision of Policy 6320A Purchasing.
The next regular board of education meeting will be Monday, Sept. 10 at 7 p.m. at the administration office, 301 S. Oak St., West Lafayette.
Category: Education