Ridgewood drama department to film anti-bullying video

The Ridgewood Chorale will perform the song, “Superheroes” by The Script for an anti-bullying music video that is a collaboration between the chorale and the Ridgewood Drama Department. They hope to have the video complete by July. Contributed | Beacon
WEST LAFAYETTE – The drama department at Ridgewood High School has teamed up with the school’s youth chorale to film an anti-bullying music video. The drama department has written the script and will direct and act in each scene. The project incorporates 45 students who have been working since last November to bring this video to fruition and to promote an important issue facing today’s students.
Choir director Haley Evans happened to hear the song, “Superheroes” by The Script on the radio one morning and approached the drama department about creating a music video incorporating the song. The superhero theme also fit in with Positive Behavior and Intervention Supports, a program through the Ridgewood Middle School.
The music video will focus on three types of bullying: cyber bullying, physical bullying, and gossiping.
“We’re trying to focus on bullying that teachers don’t see,” said Waverly Ridenbaugh, student director. “Teachers usually see the fights in the lunch room and things like that, but they don’t see what goes on outside the classroom. Some teachers don’t even know it goes on.”
The story in the video will center on a hero who comes to the rescue of each bullying victim. Throughout the video, it shows her alone as well and coping with her own issues. At the end, she is the one being bullied and all the people she has helped throughout the video come to her aide and stand with her.
Interspersed throughout the video will be shots of the chorale singing at the artPARK on Main Street in Coshocton and on stage at the high school. The chorale consists of 22 members and the song is an 11-part vocal piece. Soloists will be Nathan Moses and Harrison Orand.
The students will be filming in the high school hallways, classrooms, and auditorium. Film dates will be May 29 and 30 and students are working with The Vocal Company who specialize in accapella recordings and making videos.
This isn’t the first time Ridgewood has created a video. Last year, the chorale filmed a music video featuring MLK and Somewhere Over the Rainbow which was shot at Clary Gardens. It has more than 5,000 views on Facebook and nearly 1,000 views on YouTube. The students are hoping for more views this year.
“We’re putting a lot of work into this with casting, rehearsals, and the fundraising,” said Ridenbaugh. “I want it to get a lot of views on Facebook.”
Funding for the project is partly through a $2,625 grant from the Martha Holding Jennings Foundation. They also have a GoFundMe page at gofundme.com/ridgewoodsuperheroesvideo and a Facebook page, Ridgewood Performing Arts. Their video last year is featured on both websites. People who would like to donate can also write a check to the Ridgewood Music Boosters to help defray the cost.
“This is just a great keepsake and something memorable for these kids to look back on,” said Evans.
They are hoping the video will be finished by July. It will be posted to their Facebook and YouTube pages when it’s complete.
Category: Education