Ridgewood High School Marching Generals
Staff: Director John Lindig, Assistant Director Haley Evans, Auxiliary Director Jennifer Lindig, Percussion Director Justin Howell, Front Ensemble Instructor Jeff Smith
Number of years appearing at state competition and how placed last year: Twenty-five consecutive years going to state finals. The band earned a superior rating last year for the 13th consecutive year.
Number of students in band: There are 55 members in the band.
Theme for this year’s show and why it was selected: This year’s show is entitled “Train Tracks” and was selected because it seemed like an interesting musical and visual idea to explore on the field.
Overall strengths: Overall strengths of this year’s group are a strong work ethic and great student leadership. We have 14 amazing seniors who have proven to be not only great performers but also strong leaders. They know what it takes to be successful and how to show others to reach their goals.
Competitions you are most looking forward to: The students enjoy all the contests but really enjoy River View’s contest as they are sure to get to see their friends from other schools.
Overall expectations or goals for the season: Our goal for the season is to go to state and earn a superior rating. Our goal each day is to work hard and be better than yesterday, better musicians and better people.
Category: Education