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Ridgewood Middle School students learn about different careers

| March 20, 2015

UntitledWEST LAFAYETTE – Coshocton County Career Center Student Ambassadors Austin Brown, Metal Fabrication, Abby Burchett, Early Childhood Education, Joey Sarchett, Building Trades and Dakota Walker, Electronics, participated in providing a Career Awareness Activity Day for all fourth graders at Ridgewood Middle School, Wednesday, March 18.

Brown talked about the different types of work welders and metal fabricators do and then provided a welding demonstration. Dozens of students then donned a welding coat, safety glasses and a welding helmet, and under his guidance, placed a welding bead on a piece of metal. They were nothing but smiles when they finished.

Burchett shared information about the Early Childhood Education Program at the career center. She demonstrated several activities she had created that she can use when teaching pre-school students. The fourth graders provided answers and participated in the different activities as they were presented. One activity featured a large container filled with items and clothing used in an occupation which the students had to solve. Students put on the chef’s coat and pants and identified dozens of different cooking utensils.

Sarchett related information to the students of all the different types of occupations in the construction industry. He then shared some of the tools used during the numerous building projects in the community Building Trades helps complete. Students learned to snap chalk lines and read a tape measure. They were able to understand then why fractions in their math class are so very important in this trade. They loved trying on Joey’s safety helmet!

Walker talked about the numerous types of activities students participate in at the Electronics Lab at the Career Center. Students were very interested in being able to look inside the computers he brought. Students attempted typing their names on a keyboard with no letters, number or symbols. He shared how students learn robotics, computer programming, circuitry and electronic music. Walker told the students his plans include becoming an electrical engineer after he graduates from high school.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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