River View FFA members busy all year

| September 10, 2013

COSHOCTON – On Aug. 2 the River View FFA held a corn roast at Coshocton’s First Friday on Main Street. The members roasted corn over an open fire and accepted donations for the corn they made. Many people generously donated because they had been in FFA or had relatives who have been involved in FFA. They ended up selling almost all of the corn, which was donated by Louis Mizer.

Over the summer, two FFA officers also attended the Washington Leadership Conference. They stayed at the Holiday Inn Dulles Aug. 9-13, while they attended the conference. They learned leadership skills through many different activities and learned about personal growth. They toured downtown Washington D.C. they met with other FFA members and learned more about them and their clubs. There were more than 330 FFA members from around the United States that attended this conference.

“I would definitely recommend any FFA member to attend this conference,” said Kurtis Croft.

Emily Hardesty, Katricia Phillips and Abby Burchett also attended the third session of FFA Camp June 24-28. There they learned leadership skills, made new friends and attended sessions where they learned to work together in a group and make new relationships. There were many activities and games for the teams to compete in such as canoeing, rifles, trap shooting, basketball and a lake for water games.

Croft is this year’s president. He is in his fourth year in FFA and has been involved in various things such as tractor troubleshooting and WLC. Jordan Reigle is one of the vice presidents. He has been involved in soils and envirothon and much more. This is his fourth year in FFA. Keely Mackey is also a vice presidents. She has been involved in Touch of Country Christmas, livestock judging and many other things throughout her four year involvement. Dylan Boorne has been involved in FFA for four years as well with various activities like putting many hours in at summer work days and archery, as well as much more. The treasurer this year is Blake Carrroll. He has been involved for four years with activities like Ag Sales and forestry. Phillips has been in our FFA for the second year. Throughout her time, she has been involved in FFA Camp and Agronomy. One of the news reporters is Kayla Mizer. This is her second year as well. She is involved in the benefit dance as well as ag sales. The other news reporter is Hardesty, who has been in FFA for two years and is involved with job interview and creed speaking as well as much more. Corey Rinehart has been involved in poultry judging and haunted hallways, he has been involved for three years. Lyndsie Rizzolo has been in FFA for three years and is highly involved with First Fridays and Higher Hopes.


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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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