River View High School Marching Black Bears

RVHS Marching Black Bears: Michael Belt, Allanis Absten, Hallee Anderson, Sarah Eick, Sarah Holmes, Sarah Kittner, Kimberly Croup, Lisa Johansson, Augusta Kinzel, Rachelle Lewis, Xavier Lewis, Althea Szabo, Jenna Daugherty, Will Fornara, Danielle Newman, Josh Tate, Raynor Shoemaker, Grant Cullison, Kyle Fabian, Elizabeth Ferris, Ryan Gildow, Nick Grashel, Everett Hall, Alexis McCormick, Samantha Mercer, Meredith Stamper, Olivia Evert, Garrett Fabian, Josie Fornara, Jarod Kaufman, Morgan Lawrence, Cameron St. Germaine, Michael Border, Gretchen Lozowski, Kay-Lee Smailes, Aselya Sposato, DJ Esselburn, Zach Timmons, Shelby Barnett, Andrea Barnett, Nicole Baker, Adam Croup, Kasey Croup, Henry Hall, Roy Hall, Brett Kinzel, Jesse Shoemaker, Nathaniel Stamper, Abigail Ambrose, Daniel Cullison, Hunter Fabian, Devon Fortune, Bradin Hastings, Rya Kron, Jaina Royer, Julia Royer, James Stewart, Annie Bosson, Sydney Minton, Tyler Philips, Megan Salmons, Sami Trowbridge. (Names are not necessarily in order of appearance.) Photo contributed to The Beacon by Lifetouch School Studios Inc.
Staff: Director Keith Watson, Assistant Director Mark Wagner, Color Guard Advisor Karri Harstine, Drum Major Michael Belt, and Percussion Instructor Greg Starkey
Number of years appearing at state competition and how placed last year: State appearances – 31. We received a two rating in 2014 at Brunswick.
Number of students in band: 56
Theme for this year’s show and why it was selected: “What a Wonderful World” – The music of Louis Armstrong. It is a way to remind our students to appreciate the world around them. There is always something wonderful happening, even in the midst of turmoil.
Overall strengths: Good senior leadership and quality students to work with.
Competitions you are most looking forward to: River View’s home show on Oct. 17. We are hosting 15 bands as of now (Aug. 26, 2015). We are so pleased that both Coshocton and Ridgewood are returning to perform!
Overall expectations or goals for the season: To perform each show, whether it’s at halftime or for contest, to the best of our abilities and in the process, become the very best version of ourselves.
Category: Education