River View students hold trick or treat night for students

Andrew Martin, who dressed up as a dinosaur for a trick or treat night at River View High School, is pictured passing out candy to Bryson Darr, who dressed as Super Mario for the event. Josie Sellers | Beacon
WARSAW – Costumed characters invaded the halls of River View High School and were treated to a special night organized by the teen leadership class.
“I love giving back to the community,” said Hailee Bowman, who helped organize the event. “This class is fun and gives us opportunities to help others.”
The leadership class held its trick or treat night on Oct. 29 for all preschool and kindergarten classes in the district and families of teachers at River View schools. Children were given candy by costumed members of the leadership class and then invited to come play games in the high school gym.
“This has been fun to do,” Bowman said. “I love seeing the kids.”
Her classmate Andrew Martin dressed up as a dinosaur for the event.
“It’s been awesome to watch them come through here and smile,” he said.
Kadden Mobley, who also is an RVHS junior, agreed with Martin.
“This has been a pretty good experience,” Mobley said. “It was nice that we were able to do this and give the kids candy.”
Two of the many children who enjoyed the event were Bryson and Lennox Darr who are the children of Nikki and Brian Darr.
“I love that they did this here and that the little ones got to meet the high school students and they got to meet the little ones,” Nikki said.
River View’s teen leadership program is led by Stephanie Snyder.
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