River View’s SADD club donates items to First Step

Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) at River View High School donated items to the First Step Domestic Violence Shelter on Thursday, Dec. 20. They collected more than 100 items for the shelter in the month of December. Beth Scott | Beacon
WARSAW – The Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) Club at River View High School collected items during the month of December to donate to the First Step Domestic Violence Shelter.
“I am extremely grateful for this donation,” said Vickie Laudick-Casey, executive director of First Step. “It’s so wonderful to see young people concerned about domestic violence and those affected by it to support them. These products make such a difference for people in need who come to our shelter. It’s great to see young people concerned about the community. It’s an awesome holiday gift.”
Throughout the month of December, the SADD Club collected more than 100 items to donate to the shelter which included children’s books, sanitary products, body wash, baby wipes, pacifiers, and other items.
“It feels good [to donate] because we’re giving them something they probably don’t have because of the situation they’ve been in,” said Haley McCoy, president of the club. “Our goal [as a club] is to help people and help them realize that the decisions they make can affect other people and other people’s decisions can affect them.”
Nancy Dickerson, advisor of the SADD Club, said that the club will be adopting the domestic violence shelter for the year and will donate to them from now on.
“I threw out and bounced around some ideas with them,” said Dickerson. “What can we do to help people in the community? We talked about a variety of things and Haley brought up the idea for the domestic violence shelter. At that point, I thought, yeah, that’s a good idea.”
Dickerson said she is extremely proud of the students in the SADD Club.
“These kids are the lifeblood of giving,” said Dickerson. “This whole school is community-service minded. I’m very proud. We’ve just got a good program with SADD and with our senior project. Every senior has a project that is community-serviced based at some point.”
The domestic violence shelter takes any household item donation and / or monetary donations at any time. Any donation to the shelter is appreciated.
Category: Education