Roscoe UMC planning holiday bazaar

| October 15, 2019

Barb Stagmyer is pictured working on crafts for the Roscoe United Methodist Church Bazaar. Contributed | Beacon

COSHOCTON – Roscoe UMC near Historic Roscoe Village (475 High St.) is pleased to announce its annual holiday bazaar will be held on Thursday, Oct. 24. The doors will open at 8:30 a.m. for a breakfast boutique. Food will continue to be served throughout the day for lunch and supper until gone.

Some of the highlights of the day include: A used bookstore, bake sale, themed gift baskets, trash to treasure, lunch and dinner in the fellowship hall, holiday items and much more.

Come to shop, eat and/or just have fun visiting with friends. More information can be obtained by calling the church office at 740-622-7780 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. weekdays, e-mailing, or checking the church website

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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