Roscoe Village Christmas Candlelighting goes virtual for 2020

As the holidays draw near, Roscoe Village invites one and all to join them in their 49th year of spreading Christmas cheer with the first-ever virtual presentation of their 2020 Christmas Candlelighting ceremony. With pandemic restrictions on large gatherings, the village cannot offer its traditional outdoor candlelighting ceremony, but wanted to capture many of the elements of the traditional event in a format that can be enjoyed from home. The virtual presentation will be available to view from any mobile or digital device for the entire holiday season on the Historic Roscoe Village Facebook page and website starting Saturday, Dec. 5 at 6 p.m.
Each year the village welcomes an honorary candlelighter as a special guest who lights the first candle and begins the passing of the flame through the crowd. This year, longtime Coshocton physician Robert Gwinn, DO, joins with several Coshocton Regional Medical Center staff members to represent the many health care workers and first responders who have been at the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Included in the virtual presentation is the reading of a holiday story about a very special Christmas Tree, leading up to the lighting of the Roscoe Village Tree, graciously donated to the village by Joyce and Greg Alloway and their son, Scott. Throughout the event, the voices of the River View Certified Gold Choir, led by Dawn Anglin, will sing spirit-lifting traditional Christmas carols. Visitors to the virtual event will be encouraged to join with family in lighting your own candles at home to celebrate the season.
“Roscoe Village Candlelighting Ceremonies have long been a gift we’ve enjoyed sharing with friends from near and far,” said Mary Ellen Given, Roscoe Village Foundation Executive Director. “We couldn’t get together in person this year, but we couldn’t miss a chance to share our wishes for happiness and health through this virtual format as we look ahead to 2021.”
While the village will not be hosting large events during the current state of the pandemic, all shops, dining, and historic tours are still open to enjoy throughout the season. The Roscoe Village Christmas Tree and decorations will be on display from now through Jan. 3.
Category: Arts & Entertainment