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Roscoe Village holding pot full of color workshop

| April 13, 2016

Pot Full of Color 2015COSHOCTON – If you are wondering what flowers to plant in your pots and gardens this summer, then join Connie Miller, of the Roscoe Landscape Department, and Deb Gaumer of Garden Patch on Thursday, May 5.

The instructors will share the annuals that Mrs. Montgomery used for the combination pots in Roscoe Village and also introduce you to the 2016 color theme for Coshocton is Blooming: “Kaleidoscope of Color.”

The Garden Patch will have a variety of annuals to choose from so you can create your own pot full of color. Cost for the workshop is $30 and includes a 12” pot saucer, soil, and annuals. This workshop starts at 6:30 p.m. Park behind the Visitor Center and meet at the picnic shelter.

To reserve your spot, call 740-622-7644 ext. 10 and leave your name and phone number.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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