Roscoe Village lecture rescheduled
COSHOCTON – The Roscoe Village lecture “Mary Compton′s Memories of Old Roscoe” has been rescheduled for 2 p.m. Sunday, March 15, at the Visitor Center Theater. Mary Compton is portrayed by Alice Hoover from Roscoe Village.
Hoover is a graduate with honors from Otterbein University. Her husband Dick is a retired United Methodist pastor. They have two sons. Alice taught elementary school for 25 years, retiring from Coshocton’s Lincoln Elementary. She is the organist at the Presbyterian Church in Coshocton. As an historical dramatist she portrays 30 Biblical and historical women.
Additional lectures will take place on May 17 when “Charles Dickens Comes to America” and Sept. 13 as Dave Adair shares “Traveling the Towpath.” All lectures will take place at 2 p.m. at the Roscoe Village Visitor Center.
The presentations are free of charge; however, donations to defray speakers’ fees are gladly accepted. For information, contact the Roscoe Village Visitor Center at 622-7644 ext. 20.
For information on Historic Roscoe Village, call (800) 877-1830 or 622-7644 or visit the website The village is located at 600 N. Whitewoman St.
Category: Arts & Entertainment