Roscoe Village offers discounts to vets on July 4

| June 27, 2016

COSHOCTON – The Roscoe Village Foundation, the Johnson-Humrickhouse Museum, the Canal Boat Landing and the shops and restaurants of Historic Roscoe Village would like to show our appreciation to veterans and active duty personnel who visit on July 4.

Veterans and active duty personnel showing current ID on July 4 will be offered the following discounts during their visit: The Roscoe Village Foundation is offering a free tour ticket with the purchase of an adult/student tour ticket. The Johnson-Humrickhouse is offering a free admission with the purchase of an adult/student admission. The Canal Boat is offering 50% off a boat ride ticket with the purchase of an adult/student boat ride.  These offers are not valid with any other discounts.

For further information, contact 740-622-7644 ext. 20 or 800-877-1830.

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