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Rotary Club to sponsor health fair

| March 1, 2017

WEST LAFAYETTE – The Rotary Club of West Lafayette will have a health fair on Saturday, March 18 from 7 – 9 a.m. at the West Lafayette First Baptist Church, located at 688 East Main St., West Lafayette. No appointments are necessary.

The following tests will be performed:

CBC & Comp Panel (CMP) for $50 and Lipid Panel: Blood Count / Anemia, electrolytes, glucose, kidney and liver function, cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL/LDL ratios, LDL/VLDL cholesterol.

A1C for $20: Percentage marker for diabetic degree of control.

TSH for $20: Thyroid-stimulating hormone, thyroid disease.

PSA for $20: Prostate cancer

Vitamin B12 for $25: B12

Vitamin D for $35: Vitamin D

Male cancer screening for $75: Liver, stomach, colon, pancreas, and prostate (Three tests)

Female cancer screening for $75: Liver, stomach, colon, pancreas, and ovarian (Three tests)

HEPC for $30: If there is a positive result, the patient pays $110 for more extensive testing.

Early identification and control of certain types of personal health conditions can significantly improve the health and longevity of individuals who participate in the health fair. By offering a wide variety of testing to assist your physician in your health care, important concerns such as heart attack, stroke, liver, and kidney disease, anemia and diabetes are screened for in the general health fair.

Please fast for a minimum of 12 hours prior to the time blood is drawn. This means no food or drinks except water. Please do not smoke the morning of the health fair.

Your physician’s information will be asked at the time of registration. Your blood will then be drawn and transported back to the lab on Main Street in Coshocton. After analysis is complete, the results will be forwarded to your physician at no charge. If you choose to receive the results, they can be sent to you for a donation of a canned food item or $1.

Light refreshments will be served after blood is drawn. For additional information, call Dan or June at 740-545-6743. The event is sponsored by the Rotary Club of West Lafayette and assisted by Coshocton Laboratory International at 660 Main St., Coshocton and Coshocton County EMS.

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Category: Clubs & Organizations

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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