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RVHS choir celebrates trip to state

| April 29, 2019

WARSAW – Joshua Tate, Breann Cass, Natalie Kelley, Samantha Corbett, Annie Bosson, and Leah Lawrence, the six seniors in River View High School’s chamber choir, experienced the state choir competition as sophomores and were determined to return before graduating. “Our large group competition is fun, but this is a different beast,” Tate said. “It was crazy when we went as sophomores, but you have to be there to feel it.” Bosson said their determination is what helped get them back to the event that was held April 26 at Newark High School. “We have a lot of underclassmen in the choir, but we knew what it was like to be there and worked twice as hard to get there,” Kelley said. “We were much more hands-on than last year’s seniors. We wanted everyone to get to experience this.” The choir’s trip to state was celebrated on April 25 with a flower day at the school where parents were invited to send in gifts and notes of encouragement. The choir came home with an excellent rating. “We were hoping for the superior, but an excellent in class A is still quite an accomplishment,” said Dawn Anglin, choir director. “I am so proud of the kids.”

Category: Education

About the Author ()

I started my journalism career in 2002 with a daily newspaper chain. After various stops with them, I am happy to be back home! I graduated from Coshocton High School in 1998 and received a Bachelor of Arts in Communication in 2002 from Walsh University. I also earned several awards while working for daily papers, including being honored by Coshocton County’s veterans for the stories I wrote about them. I am honored and ready to once again shine a positive light on Coshocton County. I also am the proud mother of a little girl named Sophia!

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