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RVHS holds summer track meet

| July 9, 2018

Competitors in the girls, ages 4-6, 100 meter dash race to the finish line at the River View High School’s Summer Track Meet on Saturday, July 7. Jen Jones | Beacon

WARSAW – For many years, one of the biggest fundraisers for the River View High School track team has been the annual summer track meet. The event was held on July 7 at the high school with about 100 people competing.

“I think our numbers may be down this year,” said Mike Gray, who just finished his last year as a track coach.  He said that every member of the high school team has to pay $100 to be on the track team and then must raise another $150. They can sell laundry detergent, apparel or candy bars or their parents can choose to pay the entire $250.

“This event helps offset that other $150 for each athlete. We also use the money to buy new equipment, uniforms and we have almost $175,000 worth of equipment that needs up keeping,” said Gray. “We have to keep about 120 hurdles on hand and they cost about $100 each.”

Anyone age 4 and higher could compete in the summer track meet. Softball throw, long jump, high jump and several running events were just a few of the choices that athletes could compete in.

Skye Brindley, 9, came to the event with his biddy team from Claymont, his mom and his grandmother, Kathi Hite. When asked what his favorite event was, he said, “The softball throw because I love it better.” He also said that he likes to eat healthy and that his mom was doing the discus throw. Hite said that she was going to run in the 1600 meter race and that she had never done it before. “He did biddy track at Claymont and that’s how we heard about this.”

Mandi Stickdorn, of Coshocton, brought her five year old daughter, Jordynn, to the event. “She did this last year and loved it. It’s something she loves to do – she’s a rocket when she runs. She always wants to try everything.” Jordynn said dancing is her favorite thing to do, but she likes the long jump “because I did good.”

“River View track team is one of the best kept secrets in the county,” said Gray.  “We are a powerhouse in Division II and sent 14 athletes to state in nine events.”

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