RVHS seniors plan clothing giveaway

River View High School students Carlye Balsley and Avril Arnold sponsored a clothing drive for their senior project. (submitted)
River View High School students Carlye Balsley and Avril Arnold sponsored a clothing drive for GSA on April 10, 2021. This year they wanted to expand it, so they decided to do it as a senior project. By doing it as a senior project, they could publicize it more using senior project networking connections. They collected so many clothes that some will be used for the second drive. They have many sizes and types of clothing.
The first clothing drive will be held Saturday, Jan 15, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at River View High School. The second one is set for April 23. Trash bags and boxes will be provided for customers. The clothes are free, but there will be a donation jar near the door for donations to First Step. Clothes remaining will be donated to Out of the Closet Thrift Store in Columbus. The profits from this store go to the AIDS Healthcare Foundation.
”The clothing drive was created by Jodi Shrimplin to help give back to the public,” Balsley said. “That continues to be our goal. Avril and I decided to continue this project in order to give back to the community that has given us so much.”
Category: Education