Salmans places at All American Quarter Horse Congress

Horse show: Kaitlyn Salmans placed 15th in western pleasure at the 47th Annual All American Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus. Photo contributed to The Beacon
COSHOCTON – Kaitlyn Salmans and her horse Bo spent all summer and fall attending horse shows and working toward the goal of making it to the 47th Annual All American Quarter Horse Congress. In October they were both awarded for their hard work with a 15th place in western pleasure at the event.
“It was amazing,” Salmans said.
Western pleasure tests a quarter horse’s easy-going, smooth personality and ability to change gaits.
Salmans and her mother Jackie explained that the judges look for how well the horse moves.
“You also can’t go too fast or too slow,” Kaitlyn said.
This was her second year competing at the congress, but Kaitlyn, a senior at Coshocton High School, has been involved with horses since she was 9-years-old.
“Mom got a horse for her birthday from Dad,” she said. “She always wanted one, but she also wanted my sister and me to be able to ride with her.”
Kaitlyn and her sister Tara soon got their own horses and got involved in 4-H. They then started competing in open shows and now train with Justin Bisel in Mount Vernon.
“In the summer we go up three times a week and ride about two hours, but when school starts it’s only about one or two times a week,” Kaitlyn said. “We practice, practice, practice while we are there though.”
The girls both used their skills to make it through tryouts for the Eastern Ohio Quarter Horse Association NYATT Team.
“It’s so much fun to show (horses) together,” Kaitlyn said. “I’ve watched her come really far and she deserved to be part of this.”
Members of the team also competed at congress in the National Youth Activity Team Tournament, which is said to be the most popular youth event. There are typically more than 100 teams in the tournament with hundreds of youth from state and regional quarter horse associations.
Belt buckles were given to the team members, but Kaitlyn was especially excited to be able to get an official 2013 congress jacket for her 15th place finish at the event
“It’s like a letterman’s jacket and mine says finalist on it,” she said.
The jackets also are available to those who are named champions, reserve champions and place in the top ten.
“You have to prove you placed,” said Jackie. “You can’t just go get one.”
Next year Kaitlyn plans to not just be a finalist. Her goal is to make it in the top 10.
“It’s a lot of hard work to attend congress,” she said. “You have to go to the horse shows and ride all year.”
Kaitlyn, however, doesn’t mind the work.
“My trainer makes it so much fun,” she said. “I also love the horses. They are my best friends. The bond you can have between yourself and an animal is amazing.”
Kaitlyn also hopes to qualify next year for the youth world event, which will be in Oklahoma.
“It’s been a long journey, but to see her make it to this level is fantastic,” Jackie said. “There have been a lot of tears and laughter.”
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