Salvation Army welcomes new leaders

The Salvation Army recently welcomed new leaders Majors Kevin and Lori Schoch. (Submitted)
The Salvation Army recently welcomed new leaders. Majors Kevin and Lori Schoch took over leadership from Majors Tom and Victoria Clark who were transferred to the Wooster area.
The Schochs have lived all over, but most recently, they were in Lexington, Kentucky. Both admitted that they needed to look at a map to find where Coshocton was. “This is the smallest town we’ve ever lived in,” Lori said. “I love to small town feel – it’s so different from anywhere we’ve lived. You can actually walk places and that’s so refreshing. The sky is so much bigger here because you can see it.”
Kevin shared it’s been interesting discovering what Coshocton has to offer. “I’ve been meeting people in a variety of places. I met some nice folks in the emergency room and the urgent care. People are so receptive to us and welcoming. Some are surprised, as they didn’t realize Tom and Victoria had been transferred.” Lori added that she had already been recognized by people who stopped her to say hi and welcome.
While they are both still settling in, they each have idea and dreams of the future for the Salvation Army.
“Already, several people have talked to me about the number of homeless in Coshocton. We will continue to work on that challenge with clothing and food. And we can refer people to other resources that can help, too,” Kevin said.
Kevin also hopes to focus on youth programs more. “Hopefully, we will get help in that area down the road. I hope to add the position of a youth pastor. We have so many volunteers who help here and we are so grateful to them. We have a small crew here – just Lori and I and a part time case worker – and the volunteers are critical. They are here everyday processing food and clothing donations.”
Lori said she would like to see more Bible Studies, especially for women. “And outreach is my passion. That’s what Jesus did and I want to stay true to that. I’d like to have open-air meetings – like a church service on a corner. When we were in Stanford, Connecticut, we held them before our Sunday evening service and then invited everyone back to the church service with us. It’s a throw-back to older times.”
Kevin explained that, in 1865, William Booth started holding meetings wherever there were people gathered – in bars, on the street – and then invite the people listening to come to his church with him. This was the beginning of the Salvation Army.
“Back then, church pews were often bought, so families had their own pews to sit in. Other people were squeezed wherever they could be. The Christian Mission (later to be called the Salvation Army) was born in the streets,” Kevin said.
When asked if there was any immediate need they could think of, Lori said they need a volunteer driver to pick up donated food from Wal-Mart and Aldi every day. If you are interested in helping with this, please call the Salvation Army at 740-622-0971.
Category: Faith