Schaefer is May’s artist of the month

| May 3, 2024

Deborah Schaefer is May’s artist of the month.

“I call myself a mixed media artist because I love to mix things up,” she said. “I rarely do things in a traditional way, whether using acrylic paint, pens, charcoal, oils, pastels, clay, or watercolors.”

Schaefer joined the Coshocton Art Guild in 2023, adding her bright creativity and joyful personality to the group. She has been creating artwork all her life, since the day she was handed a box of crayons.

“My grandmother was an artist and encouraged me in all my endeavors,” Schaefer said. “I took arts and crafts all through junior and senior high school. I go on artist retreats where I learn to stretch myself.”

Schaefer now creates and has adventures with her own granddaughter, Chloe, and really enjoys working with and teaching children. She has helped the community by voluteering to teach beginning watercolor to seniors and by offering classes to children and adults alike. “I would love to volunteer some in public schools,” she said. “Kids need to make art.” Her dream art project is creating a large mural with a team of teens to help.

Schaefer currently has her mixed media watercolors, collages, and small art journals on display and available for purchase at The Tollhouse Art and Gift Shop Thursday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

You can follow her work on Facebook at InspireMixedMedia.

Schaefer is offering several classes throughout the month of May. Check the Coshocton Art Guild facebook page for information, or contact Schaefer directly by email at

Upcoming workshops include Tuesday, May 21, 10 a.m., Altered Dictionary Workshop. Learn how to alter a vintage dictionary into your own story. Age 12 and up, limit 12 spots, $30; Wednesday, May 22 (two classes), collage $20, 10 a.m. to noon (kids ages 7 to 12), limit 12, 2-4 p.m. ages 12 and up, limit 12, learn how to make your own painted papers and then how to use them to create a collage.




Category: Arts & Entertainment

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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