Send cards to help cheer up young cancer patient

| December 7, 2023

Andrew Miller will be nine on Dec. 12. He is also fighting a high grade glioma in the brain (cancer) and Lymphoma in his stomach (which is believed to be in remission).

His family decided to ask for cards to be sent to him to help him have something to look forward to every day.

According to Roman Miller, his dad, he has received nearly 1,000 cards so far and Andrew isn’t picky about what type of cards he gets. “All he cares about is that he gets cards,” Roman said. “He didn’t know it was going to happen until the cards started coming.”

Andrew is extremely excited and can’t wait for the mail the next day.

“He sits for hours on end opening cards and reading them,” Roman said. “We are hanging cards all over the room. It lets him know that people are rooting for him and praying for him. It makes him feel good.”

If you would like to bring a smile to Andrew and his family, send cards to Andrew Miller, 16905 TR 287, Conesville, OH 43811.

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