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Shepler Church to make history come alive

| June 5, 2014

COSHOCTON COUNTY – On June 8, the Shepler Church, located at 47507 Township Road 217, Millersburg, in Coshocton County, will be celebrating their 125 years in ministry. The anniversary event will begin with a 10 a.m. worship service followed by a noon meal provided by the church. A celebration program will begin at 2 p.m. to honor and mark the accomplishments that Shepler Church has experienced through the 125 years with special music and speakers also part of the “history coming alive” program. An afternoon of fellowship will be observed with visiting former pastors and ancestry of families dating back to the founding of the church in 1889 until today.

Shepler Church is the only active church in Millcreek Township today. Pastor Robert Angel and wife Linda of Navarre have served this independent church as minister since 1999. Their dedication and faithfulness to Shepler has been shown in so many ways and has greatly assisted the church in reaching the 125 year milestone.

Records show that Shepler Church was organized by three trustees in 1888-1889 who were hand-selected to form the church. Those three trustees had last names of Patterson, Parkhill and Seese with two of the three trustees still having ancestry in Millcreek Township. The first pastor was a retired minister, Rev. Elisha Peer. Church property was built on grounds owned by Samuel and Laura Shepler.

A 250 page book, The History of Shepler Church, was written this past year by Jean Honabarger and will be available at this celebration event. The book was written using all sources of information that pertained to Shepler Church. While some history used was recorded, some history is also included that was what is to be believed as factual family history passed on verbally from generation to generation. This book information and pictures begins in 1889 and follows through to current day activities at Shepler. Church services were at three different locations until the current church building was erected. A building at Mound, the Millcreek Township House and the Hardridge School buildings were used as meeting places.

Many members of the church today are descendants of the founding members back in 1889. The tradition of having a country church that is open to the public is the same as it was back 125 years ago. It has been through the spiritual dedication of the members that Shepler Church still exists today.

Featured speaker for the 2 p.m. program will be Ken Smailes, pastor of the Blissfield and Killbuck Methodist Church and also a local historian. Shepler Church congregation wishes to extend an open invitation to friends and families that has been affiliated with Shepler to attend this special anniversary celebration. For more information, contact John and Maxine Conkle at 622-6029.  Anyone who is unable to attend this event and would like to contribute information to the afternoon program with a letter may also send the letter to the Conkles at 31566 TR 212, Millersburg, Ohio 44654.

Directions to Shepler are to take 83 north from Coshocton or 83 south from Millersburg to Millcreek Township Road 221 in Coshocton County. Signs will be posted to direct you to the church.


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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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