Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for Apr. 14, 2018

| April 16, 2018


On Apr. 13, 2018 the Sheriff’s Office investigated 2 accident (s) and 0 complaint (s)



6:37 A.M.  Shirley Miller of Fresno was traveling south on State Route 83 when a deer ran into the path of her vehicle. When she swerved to miss the deer and went off the right side of the road and struck a culvert.


6:18 P.M.  Richard Guess of Coshocton was negotiating a curve when he lost control of his vehicle and went off the right side of the road into a dirt field. The vehicle then rolled approximately three times before coming to a final rest on its wheels.  The driver was treated at the scene by EMS and he refused to be transported.



None Reported.

Category: Sheriff's Report

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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