Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for April 14, 2020

| April 14, 2020

On April 13, the Sheriff’s Office investigated 2 accident(s) and 4 complaint(s).


Lisa Johnston of Coshocton ran off the left side of the roadway and struck a tree near the address of 2313 Cambridge Road.

Shelly Belt was sitting at a traffic light on US 36 at the intersection of SR 83 when she was struck in the rear by Amber Vance.


Sidney Dunlap was cited for speed and reckless operation.

An employee from Gerber Feed Shack of 105 Vine St., reported someone spray painted OK on the garage door of the business.

Dustie Medley called to report a Ruger 9MM pistol missing from her home.

Marissa Barthel reported an injury accident involving Austin Collopy, he was pronounced deceased on arrival.


Category: Sheriff's Report

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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