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Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for April 26, 2016

| April 26, 2016

On April 25, the Sheriff’s Office investigated five accident(s) and two complaint(s).


6:42 AM: Officers responded to a non-injury accident on SR 93

1:46 PM: Officers responded to an accident with injuries at the Walhonding Valley Fire Station

2:27 PM: Officers responded to a non-injury accident at US 36 and Airport Road

2:35 PM: Officers responded to a non-injury accident at WalMart

10:24 PM: Officer responded to an accident with injuries at the Coshocton County Sportsman Club. A Coshocton man was traveling at a high rate of speed, lost control of his vehicle, and struck a tree.




11:48 AM: Coshocton Recycling reported the theft of a semi

2:54 PM: Officers responded to the 26,000 block of Jefferson Twp Rd 345 on theft of money



Source: www.coshoctoncounty.net/sheriff

Category: Sheriff's Report

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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