Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for Aug. 20, 2017

| August 21, 2017

On Aug. 19, 2017 the Sheriff’s Office investigated 3 accident (s) and 5 complaint (s)



1:32 P.M. Officers responded to a hit skip accident at Rural King.


5:11 P.M. Officers responded to a non- injury accident in the 300 block of Main Street.


5:27 P.M. Officers responded to a non-injury accident in the 1400 block of Chestnut Street.




5:15 A.M. Kristaney Wilson of Coshocton reported vandalism to her vehicle.


9:05 A.M. Timothy Ward of Coshocton reported the theft of a boat motor.


10:22 A.M. Christina Straight of Warsaw reported the theft of a four wheeler and a computer.


7:03 P.M. Delores Scott of Glenford, Ohio reported the theft of items from her vehicle while parked near Lake Park.


11:06 P.M. Christina Tallichet of Coshocton reported being assaulted while at the Army Navy.  After investigation Richard Stanley of Alaska was arrested and charged with assault.

Category: Sheriff's Report

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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