Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for August 18, 2019

| August 19, 2019

On August 17, the Sheriff’s Office investigated 2 (s) and 3 complaint(s).


8:50 A.M.  Amy McGuire of Coshocton struck Brian Stillion of Lore City while he was stopped at a red light.


12:45 P.M.  Amanda Umstott of Coshocton was on County Road 23 attempting to turn left into a private driveway when Kevin Imes of Coshocton thought she was stopped delivering mail when he attempted to go around and struck Mrs. Umstott.



1:08 A.M.  Keith Corbitt of Coshocton was arrested and charges with Obstruction of Official Duties after an incident on South 9th Street.


10:36 A.M.  An Oxford resident reported the theft of a mailbox and post.


9:01 P.M.  Deputies responded to the 700 block of South 6th Street in reference to a male with a gun.  Michael E. White of Coshocton was arrested and charged with aggravated menacing, obstructing official duties, and improper handling of a firearm in a motor vehicle.



Category: Sheriff's Report

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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