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Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for February 17, 2020

| February 18, 2020

On February 16, the Sheriff’s Office investigated 2 (s) and 3 complaint(s).


4:32 P.M.  Tiffany Fry of Coshocton looked down while driving and rearended Stephen Martin of Warsaw.


11:28 P.M.  Nathan Fauver of Coshocton was traveling westbound on Cambridge Road when he lost control of his vehicle, went off the left side of the roadway, struck an embankment and overturned his vehicle.



2:48 P.M.  Brian Gephart called the Sheriff’s Office to report that his storage unit was broken into and some of his belongings were stolen.


3:54 P.M.  It was reported that several storage units were broken into in the area of 7th and Buckeye Streets.


7:02 P.M.  Joseph Rice reported suspicious activity.


Source: www.coshoctoncounty.net/sheriff

Category: Sheriff's Report

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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