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Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for February 18, 2020

| February 18, 2020

On February 17, the Sheriff’s Office investigated 2 (s) and 4 complaint(s).


10:06 A.M.  John Rogers was pulling out of the Aldi parking lot and was struck by a vehicle being driven by Joyce Tennant. Joyce was traveling south on 2nd Street at the time of the accident.


7:48 P.M.  A Coshocton girl struck a deer on State Route 541 East.



8:13 A.M.  Michael Woolery of Coshocton was cited for speeding within the city limits.


7:06 P.M.  Amanda Hedrosky reported domestic violence.


7:17 P.M.  Abbey Mast called the Sheriff’s Office to report that she was being followed in her car.


10:06 P.M.  Amanda Jones reported assault.


Source: www.coshoctoncounty.net/sheriff

Category: Sheriff's Report

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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