Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for Jan. 28, 2019
On Jan. 27, 2019 the Sheriff’s Office investigated 2 accident (s) and 4 complaint (s):
4:56 A.M. Brice Dennis of Warsaw was eastbound on County Road 16 when he lost control of the vehicle going off the roadway, into a ditch and hitting an embankment.
3:58 P.M. Trey Lanham of Dresden struck the rear of a vehicle operated by Tony Jaqua of Warsaw.
7:13 A.M. Robert Baker of Coshocton reported damage to his vehicle.
8:04 A.M. Michael Berry of Coshocton reported being assaulted.
10:54 A.M. Larry Hinds of Coshocton reported the theft of a heater from his barn.
1:00 P.M. Cara Lee of Coshocton reported the theft of a go kart.
Category: Sheriff's Report