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Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for July 19, 2017

| July 19, 2017

On July 18, 2017 the Sheriff’s Office investigated 3 accident (s) and 1 complaint (s)



5:45 A.M. Brenda Griffith of West Lafayette was traveling west bound on CR 16 when she passed out, went off the right side of the roadway, then came onto the roadway and went off the left side of the roadway and struck a guardrail and a utility pole.


2:23 P.M. Gordon Gamertsfelder of Warsaw was traveling north on SR 60 when he went off the right side of the roadway and struck a concrete retaining wall.


3:30 P.M. James Cox of Coshocton was southbound on South 2nd Street when he went off the road striking a tree.  Mr. Cox was cited for failure to control and driving under suspension.



4:26 P.M. Brian Daugherty of Walhonding reported a male subject on a motorcycle punched his driver side mirror cracking it.


Category: Sheriff's Report

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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