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Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for June 11, 2017

| June 12, 2017

On June 10, 2017 the Sheriff’s Office investigated 3 accident (s) and 1 complaint (s)



2:04 P.M. Michelle Krause of Coshocton was traveling north on State Route 60 when she lost control of her vehicle and went off the right side of the roadway and struck an embankment and rolled her vehicle.


7:46 P.M. Amanda Woody of Coshocton failed to stop at a stop sign on Hall Drive and struck Jean Hammond of Coshocton.  Amanda Woody was cited for no drivers license and failure to stop at a stop sign.


9;50 P.M. Bige Workman of Walhonding was traveling westbound on US 36 and rear ended Jamie King of Warsaw who was stopped at the intersection of US 36 and State Route 60.



7:39 A.M. A Coshocton man as arrested and charged with OVI and OVI low test.



Category: Sheriff's Report

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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