Sheriff’s Office Morning Report for Oct. 28, 2017

| October 30, 2017

On Oct. 27, 2017 the Sheriff’s Office investigated 2 accident (s) and 3 complaint (s)



9:39 A.M. Gary Hipp was traveling northbound on State Route 83 when he went left of center and then overcorrected causing his load of logs to shift and turn onto its side. The logs struck David Miller.


10:49 A.M. Janet Alford of Coshocton was traveling southbound on North 3rd Street when Helen Conrad of Coshocton was moving through the intersection and failed to yield to Janet Alford causing the vehicles to collide.



3:41 A.M. A Coshocton resident reported vandalism.


11:11 P.M. A Coshocton woman was arrested for Domestic by Threat.


2:38 P.M. A Coshocton resident reported vandalism.


5:06 P.M. A Coshocton man reported a theft.

Category: Sheriff's Report

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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