Shriver heading up Kids America’s new fitness classes

Stacie Shriver instructor at KA Fitness helps clients get ready to work out on the stationary bicycles at Kids America. (Marianne Austin)
Saturday morning, Sunday afternoon, there are plenty of opportunities to come and work out from as early as 5 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday through Sunday at Kids America’s new fitness center, said Stacey Shriver, director of KA Fitness. Clients range from junior high and high school to senior citizens. Shriver has been a certified fitness instructor for more than five years formerly at Premiere Fitness on Main Street and a physical therapist for 25 years at Three Rivers Therapy.
“We have nine instructors some of them are from Premiere Fitness,” Shriver said. “It’s for everyone, whatever your fitness level is. We use MyZone Fitness. It shows the intensity they are working at; they can see how their heart rate recovers and it’s a good detector of fitness level. It’s good heart health. Membership here at Kids America is not expensive. It’s a great opportunity.”
Shriver said MyZone is a belt that you wear across your upper body to maximize your workout. MyZone is an innovative wearable heart rate based system that uses wireless technology to monitor physical activity. It is successful due to its accuracy at 99.4%. You can monitor yourself by watching a screen or from your phone while you exercise.
KA Fitness provides a personalized approach to health and wellness, for all ages.
It’s for everyone whatever your fitness level is, it doesn’t matter.
“We all work out together,” Shriver said. “Any equipment they would need we are pretty well stocked.”
The MyZone screen shows each person’s information in a square that shows their intensity level. If your square is red then you are working at your maximum if your square shows yellow, then you try to catch up to the red.
Space is limited to 12 people per session and you can book a time up to 15 minutes before the class.
“Sometimes if a lot of people want to be in a class we can always use the gym for proper space,” Shriver said. “People are at all different levels, but we can still work out together.”
They offer instruction in MyZone, pound, barre, Zumba, country heat, step boxing, boot camp, cardio, strengthening classes, kickboxing, yoga, power yoga, step class, group fitness, fitness goals, body goals, and more.
Tammy Pope has been working out with Shriver for three years.
“It’s fabulous,” Pope said. “I’m over 50 and she pushes me. We do sit ups and crunches for our lower abs. They show you an easier way to do things. Everybody helps each other. It’s fun, fun, fun. I love it. It makes you accountable.”
“It definitely holds you accountable.” said Mindy Cooper who has been working out with Shriver for five years. “As far as goals, we do monthly challenges. MyZone belt is amazing. You can watch your zone on the screen or on your phone. It shows your calories, your effort percentage, your peak heart rate at the time. I don’t like to work out without it. When I heard about the belt, I asked Stacie what it was and I said, man, I’m in on that.”
To book your workouts, visit
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