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‘Sipping Society’ artwork display and sale planned at Clary Gardens

| March 7, 2018

COSHOCTON – Come and see a delightful array of artwork created within the Coshocton area. The pieces on display highlight the Footlight Players’ March theater production of the “Savannah Sipping Society.” Display dates at Clary Gardens are in conjunction with the last two weekends of the production: March 9, 10, 11, and March 16, 17. All Fridays and Saturdays will take place before the play from 3 to 7:30 p.m. The Sunday matinee display will be available to view from noon to 2 p.m. Melissa Maxwell, local artist and Collective member, has worked diligently with the gardens to be able to bring this and future displays to fruition. “We’re excited to display the artworks in a new venue (Clary Gardens) and hopefully even sell a few pieces.”

Jandi Adams, executive director of Clary Gardens is excited about the new partnership with local artists and can’t wait for the public to view some of their pieces. “It’s easy to imagine the talent that we have here locally. The paintings invoke a feeling of down south meets warm Appalachian culture – all the feels! We hope many will come to the gardens mid-March and enjoy this impressive community display.”

Local artists are invited to join the Coshocton County Artist Collective (CCAC). Meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m., at The Frame Shop in Coshocton. Membership fee is $25 annually for adults and $12.50 for students aged 16-18.

Visitors attending the display of local artwork are encouraged to buy tickets for the theatrical comedy. Art from the CCAC can be viewed at no cost before the upcoming shows in the red Compton House (top of the drive on the right) at Clary Gardens. Come enjoy the display at no cost, meet some of the artists behind the paintings, and then journey to see the production. Tickets for the play can be bought online at www.footlightplayers.com. There is no cost to attend the art display at Clary Gardens.

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Category: Arts & Entertainment

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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