Skelton family presents check to Sheriff’s Office

The Skelton family presented a check to the Sheriff’s Office on Tuesday, Dec. 22. Pictured left to right are: Lt. Dean Hettinger, Robert Skelton, Sheriff Timothy Rogers, Joseph Skelton, and James Skelton. The $12,500 check will be used to help purchase new Tasers.
COSHOCTON – Sheriff Timothy Rogers and Lt. Dean Hettinger accepted a check for the amount of $12,500 from the Skelton family on Tuesday, Dec. 22 at the Pomerene, Burns, and Skelton office.
“We have been blessed by the community and we strongly believe in giving back to Coshocton,” said Robert Skelton, who presented the check to Sheriff Rogers. “It’s important for us to support local law enforcement and we’re happy to donate money to protect our officers.”
The amount will be used in helping to purchase 34 new Tasers with a total cost of $35,990. Currently, there are eight Tasers still being used by the Sheriff’s Department. However, these Tasers are at least 10 years old and need to be replaced. Tasers are an essential piece of equipment for law enforcement officers and have reduced injury to an officer by 90 percent and injury to a suspect by 60 percent.
Rogers explained that Tasers help officers lower the use of firearms and that most suspects will comply once a Taser is displayed during a violent situation.
“It gives us a tool where the situation doesn’t have to escalate into a more serious conflict,” said Rogers.
The new Tasers have been ordered but arrival date is not known.
Category: Government