The Coshocton Fatherhood Initiative is sponsoring in conjunction with Papa John’s Pizza, Wal-Mart and Coshocton Inn and Suites a free family friendly snowman building contest. The event will be in your yard from Jan. 1, 2021 through Feb. 28, 2021. Prizes include five Kindle Fires, 10 Papa John’s pizzas, five Wal-Mart gift cards and one overnight stay for dad and his kids at the Coshocton Inn and Suites with all the amenities and a Papa John’s dinner meal.
Rules for building your winning snowman are as follows. Step one – wait for it to snow and don’t give up. Step two – gather the family, the more the merrier. Step three – build and awesome snowman(s) (dad must participate) a father figure may stand in for the biological father if dad cannot attend. Step four – snap a pic or make a video (dad must be in it), almost done. Step five – submit your picture or video to the Coshocton Fatherhood Facebook page for a chance to win valuable prizes. You will find the group under William Johnson “Coshocton Fathers.” Please provide contact information so that we can notify you if you win or you can call Johnson at 740-610-6412 and report your information. A family may have more than one child participating and they can also build a snowman for prizes (i.e. a family with two, three, four or more children can build and be entered into the contest). Dad must be present to help children both build for and redeem prizes.
By participating in this event, you agree to have you picture posted on Facebook as well as be identified as participants in this contest. It is the hope of the Coshocton Fatherhood Initiative to have fathers interacting with their children in a safe outdoor environment in an effort to strengthen relationships in the family.
CCFI is a subcommittee of the Family & Children First Council, a county-wide consortium group which identifies and addresses the needs of families (including fathers) in Coshocton. CCFI’s mission is to strengthen the family unit through engaging and empowering fathers and father figures to be meaningfully involved in and committed to the child’s wellbeing.
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Category: Clubs & Organizations