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SR 16/541 interchange construction update

| April 30, 2019

COSHOCTON – As work continues at the SR 16/541 interchange, motorists can expect the following impacts to traffic in the coming weeks:

5/1/19: SR 541 WB traffic will be moved to the completed (north) side of the new bridge over SR 16.

5/2/19: SR 541 EB traffic will be moved to the completed (north) side of the new bridge over SR 16. The new exit ramp from SR 16 WB to SR 541 will open to traffic. The old exit ramp from SR 16 WB to SR 541 will be closed. Two-way traffic on SR 541 will be maintained in this fashion until the bridges are complete.

5/6/19 – 5/10/19 (6pm-6am): Night time demolition of the SR 541 (south side) bridge over SR 16. SR 16 EB traffic will be directed up the exit ramp to SR 541 and down the EB entrance ramp to SR 16 EB. SR 16 WB traffic will be directed up the NEW exit ramp to SR 541, right onto SR 541 WB, left onto S. Whitewoman St., left onto Spitler Dr. to SR 16 WB. Traffic restrictions for this work will be at NIGHT ONLY (6pm-6am).

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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