St. John’s still doing monthly mission project

| September 11, 2014

COSHOCTON – St. John’s United Church of Christ, at the corner of Eighth and Orange streets, may have closed its doors, but its congregation is still giving back to the community with its Caring Essentially for Coshocton project.

On the third Saturday of the month, members of the church give away items that people are not able to purchase with food stamps like personal care items, cleaning supplies and a couple of baby items, but not diapers.

The September distribution will take place Saturday, Sept. 20, at the church. Doors open at 9:15 a.m. and the giveaway will wrap up at 11:30 a.m. Please bring your photo id and a recent bill with current address on it. If this is your first visit and you have children in the home, please bring their birth certificates and proof of custody if applicable. In October the project will move to Central Christian Church, on the corner of Main and Eighth streets.

Anyone interested in helping or finding out more information can still call St. John’s office at 622-2781.

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Article contributed to The Beacon.

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