Stay safe while driving this winter
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 374 fatal car accidents and 25,000 injury accidents in 2020 caused by dangerous winter road conditions. A few precautions before the bad weather hits can protect you and your family. Even if you are only driving locally, these ideas can keep you safe until help can get to you.
Every car needs to have a set of winter supplies. Purchase a plastic tote and put warm clothing in it for everyone who is typically in the car with you. Include hats, gloves, boots and an extra layer of clothing. Add blankets, a flashlight (with extra batteries), a piece of bright colored material and an ice scraper. Pack non-perishable food and water bottles. A small bag of kitty litter is also a good idea. When you travel, take medications with you.
A first aid kit, matches and flares are also good ideas to have in your car. Jumper cables and a small shovel are important and always have a car tool kit in your car. Extra anti-freeze is also a good idea.
Put winter tires on your car. Even if you don’t typically get much snow, winter tires are recommended. Always make sure your tires are properly inflated before you leave. Keep your gas tank half full. Make sure you have a phone charger in your car and always tell someone where you are going, the route you plan to take and when you expect to arrive.
If you do get stuck, stay with your car. Your car will provide shelter and it will be easier for rescuers to spot your car. It’s also very easy to lose sight of your car in a storm and you may not be able to find your way back. Turn your car on for short periods of time to keep the cold away. Always make sure your exhaust is not blocked with snow or ice before you start the car. Tie a piece of bright material to your antenna or hang it out the window. Use your dome light at night to make it easier for you to be spotted.
Use kitty litter to help give you a little traction in snow or ice. It will also absorb water or wet snow which might give you enough bare road to get traction and be able to move.
If you have to go out, remember to give yourself plenty of time and drive slowly. Never use the cruise control on your vehicle in snowy or icy conditions. Accelerate and brake slowly and make sure you keep plenty of distance between you and the car in front of you. Give snow plows plenty of room. The best safety tip for winter is to simply stay home if at all possible.
Category: People & Places