Student advisory committee added to United Way

The United Way of Coshocton Board of Control voted to create a student advisory committee formed from all four of the county schools. The group includes, from left: Macy Parks, B Yonley, Nick Tahyi, Tara Brush and Caleb Bowman and missing from the picture are Colleen Schwartz and Katie Lietz. Contributed | Beacon
COSHOCTON – The United Way of Coshocton Board of Control voted to create a student advisory committee formed from all four of the county schools. The purpose of the committee will be to educate and enhance their fellow student body’s understanding of the United Way in Coshocton as well as developing their own initiatives to increase quality of life in Coshocton. Students will be chosen from the out-going sophomore and junior classes of each school at the end of each school year with the hopes that the sophomores can stay on through their senior years.
This year from Coshocton, Macy Parks and Tara Brush were chosen. Parks is in the National Honor Society, National Art Honor Society and Student Council. She volunteers with the American Heart Association of Licking County, Relay for Life and enjoys dancing, drawing, listening to music, painting and hanging out with her friends and family. Brush is a senior at CHS and will graduate with an associates of science degree along with her high school diploma. She has volunteered with TLC, Relay for Life, the local Animal Shelter, Coshocton is Blooming and the Red Cross. Brush loves caring for animals, gardening, hiking, practicing her saxophone and reading.
From Ridgewood, Colleen Schwartz and Katie Lietz were chosen. Schwartz is currently on the varsity soccer team and is on the honor roll. She volunteers with the Foreign Language Club, STATS (Students Taking Action Through Service), YALT (Youth Asset Leadership Team) and OYLPN (Ohio Youth-Led Prevention Network). She enjoys playing soccer and working in the Splash N Go program. Leitz is involved with Student Council and is in the National Honor Society. She volunteers with YALT, STATS and Tech Institute. She enjoys hanging out with her friends, playing sports, watching movies and participating in group activities.
From River View United Way selected Tahyi who is a junior this year. He won the Don Rushing Thoroughbred Award and the Sportsmanship Award for the Basketball team. He helps with fundraisers and book drives through the I Believe Program for River View. In his free time, Tahyi enjoys playing and watching basketball. B Yonley is the other student from River View and is also a junior. Yonley has received multiple awards for academics as well as 4-H projects. She volunteers on Student Council, 4-H, YALT and has participated in the Mock Trial. In her free time, she enjoys baking, running, crafting and playing with younger children.
Caleb Bowman is currently enrolled at the Coshocton County Career Center. He is in the National Honor Society and is currently a varsity athlete at Ridgewood. He has volunteered with Relay for Life and enjoys sports, music, reading and programming video games.
The Student Advisory Committee has met and agreed to take on several projects so far. They will be creating informational boards for county PE teachers to use in their classes along with the Crunch For Health program that will help students to understand sugar content in popular foods along with healthy eating habits. They also will be canvassing neighborhoods with 2-1-1 door hangers to help get the word out that the 2-1-1 program is available in Coshocton. 2-1-1 is a free phone number to call to get connected to programs and services here.
Category: Clubs & Organizations