Students gain tools to help them focus thanks to generous donations

Christian Phillips and Andréa Fry are pictured enjoying some time reading in two of the four stadium chairs in Amy Unkefer’s third grade classroom at Coshocton Elementary School. Josie Sellers | Beacon

Darius Delarosa, Dezmond Conethan and Brandon Bridges are pictured in Amy Unkefer’s third grade classroom at Coshocton Elementary School. Dalarosa was using one of the classroom’s wiggle seats as a cushion during their time away from their desks. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Coshocton Elementary School third grader Christian Phillips enjoys reading in the stadium chairs that are in his classroom.
“It’s fun to read in these,” he said. “They have tons of positions.”
Phillips is a student of Amy Unkefer, who was able to purchase four stadium chairs, two floor desks and 28 wiggle seats thanks to donations from McWane Ductile and Organic Technology.
“I did research this summer because I knew I was moving to the inclusion class and would have some students who had trouble focusing,” she said. “There were lots of things out there, but the wiggle seats especially were found to improve posture. That increases blood flow to the brain and your ability to think so they had more than one benefit. I could get more bang for my buck.”
The students love the new classroom tools and recently worked together to write thank you letters to McWane Ductile and Organic Technology for each donating $200 to help purchase them.
“I think it makes the kids feel like the community is behind them,” Unkefer said. “They also are the only classroom to have these cool seats.”
The stadium seats are great for silent reading time.
“One girl told me she can relax and get lost in her book,” Unkefer said.
Her student Andréa Fry agreed that the chairs make reading more comfortable.
The wiggle seats also help with reading activities.
“When we have read out loud time the wiggle seat can be used as a cushion for them to sit on,” Unkefer said.
Dezmond Conethan likes using the wiggle seats.
“They are really comfortable and make it easier to sit in your chair,” she said.
Unkefer also has found that the floor desks help with writing activities.
“When we do independent writing they’ve helped some of the students focus and relax,” Unkefer said. “We rotate the desks though so everyone gets a chance to use them.”
Lauren Vensil, who shares the classroom with Unkefer, is impressed with the difference the new tools are making.
“It’s amazing how they’ve helped them focus more,” Vensil said.
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