Sunflowers on Seventh project started

Gardeners: The Duncan family started its Sunflowers on Seventh beautification project June 9. Pictured smiling for the camera before they started planting are: Eli Duncan, who was sitting in front, and then from left are Greyson Schultz, Caleb Kline, Cooper Duncan, Caleb Schultz and Noah Duncan. Beacon photo by Josie Sellers
COSHOCTON – Amy Duncan is hoping to have sunflowers blooming everywhere on Seventh Street come fair time.
Duncan and her family encouraged the community to join them last week outside the fairgrounds agriculture building to fill planters with soil and sunflowers.
“It’s a community service project we came up with to help beautify the area and increase participation in the county fair,” she said.
Participants were encouraged to take their planter home to care for them and then bring them back at fair time to be placed around the fairgrounds. Duncan also was hoping there would be some planters that could be placed in front of businesses on Seventh Street. The planters were borrowed from the Garden Patch, which also donated the sunflower seeds.
“Most of them are Mammoth Sunflowers, which they said should be blooming around fair time,” Duncan said.
They also planned to pass seeds out to people who live on Seventh Street and encourage them to plant the flowers in their yards.
Duncan said about five Mammoth Sunflowers can grow in each pot so people can clip one or two to enter in the fair’s sunflower exhibit and use the others for decorations.
Youth exhibitors will receive a discounted exhibitors pass of $10 (4-H) or $17 (non-4H).
“I’m hoping kids learn about growing something and that it’s a fun project that turns into something beautiful,” Duncan said.
Anyone who was unable to come last week, but would still like to take care of a planter, can e-mail Duncan at Everyone who signs out a planter with her will be contacted in the fall and given information on when and where to drop the flowers and pots back off before the fair.
Category: People & Places
What a great project. One of my favorite flowers. Can't wait to see the results.