SWCD holds annual banquet

Award: Neal and Barb Caldwell received the 2015 Outstanding Conservation Farmer of the Year Award at the Coshocton Soil and Water Conservation District 73rd annual Banquet. Pictured from left are Adrian Garber, Coshocton SWCD Supervisor and Barb and Neal Caldwell. Beacon photo by Mark Fortune
COSHOCTON – The Coshocton Soil and Water Conservation District held its 73rd annual banquet at the Coshocton County Career Center Thursday evening, Oct. 22. There were 150 area residents and special guests in attendance. A baked steak dinner served by the Fresno Methodist Church preceded the meeting.
The Ohio Soil & Water Conservation Commission held an election for one supervisor elected to the Coshocton SWCD Board of Supervisors. Beth Porteus Mullen was elected and will serve a three year term starting Jan. 1, 2016. Chuck Ellis, Kelly Miller, and Beth Porteus Mullen were candidates for the position.
David Woodmansee was the evening’s guest speaker. Woodmansee talked about prehistoric people and their uses of tools and weapons. He has been collecting artifacts since he was a young child and has site excavation experience on Adena and Hopewell sites. Woodmansee is a retired Spanish and social studies teacher from River View High School.
Coshocton Soil and Water Conservation District announced the 2015 Outstanding Conservation Farmer of the Year Award which went to Neal and Barb Caldwell. The Caldwell’s farm is located in Keene Township and consists of 54 acres where they graze a small flock of sheep and cattle. Neal and Barb have been cooperators of the Coshocton SWCD since October 1976. Conservation practices installed on the Caldwell farm include tile and a low flow inlet in 1992, 1,501ft. of pipeline, 40.8 acres of prescribed grazing, three spring developments, and four watering facilities in 2009. The Caldwells hosted SWCD Pasture Walks in 2010 and 2015.
Neal operated a local veterinary practice from 1972 to 2002 and still does relief work for Coshocton Veterinary Clinic. Neal has volunteered in several countries on peace keeping/economic development tours as a veterinarian. Neal and Barb have two children and two grandchildren.
Retiring Board Supervisor Garry Derr was also recognized by the Coshocton County Commissioners and The Ohio Senate for his dedicated years of service, and both presented him a proclamation. SWCD board members presented Derr a clock and SWCD staff presented him a gift certificate. Derr has served five terms, or 15 years, as a board member; serving the last seven as fiscal agent with responsibilities for SWCD financial records.
Coshocton SWCD sponsored the Coshocton County Junior Fair Hay Show and recognized the winners at the 2015 County Fair: Alfalfa Hay – Michaela Greten, daughter of Mike and Kerrie Greten, This-N-That 4-H; Clover Hay – Jenna Wyler, daughter of John and Annette Wyler, Ridgewood FFA; Grass Hay – Abigail Lorenz, daughter of Steve and Malinda Lorenz, Go Getters 4-H; Light Mixed Hay – Maddie Jones, daughter of Brooke Leigh, River View FFA; and Mixed Hay (Heavy) – Cameron Mizer, son of Terry and Pam Mizer, Ridgewood FFA. Winners received a rosette and $10 cash award for attending the banquet.
Ron and Elaine Ashcraft were recognized as the winner of the Coshocton SWCD’s Big Tree Contest. The winning big tree was an Oak tree which measured 187.5” in circumference with a vertical height of 144’ and an average crown spread of 93’.
Tom Heading from Coshocton is Blooming Committee presented the fourth annual City Big Tree Contest award for anyone living in the City of Coshocton. Joseph and Brenda Hoover were recognized for their Russian Elm tree that measured 180” in circumference with a vertical height of 101’ and average crown spread of 87.5’.
The winner of the mystery photo contest, which was part of the SWCD’s display at the Coshocton County Fair, was Caroline Daugherty. She was among eight winning entries received. The mystery photo was of the Paul and Catherine Snyder farm in Crawford Township.
The meeting adjourned after door prizes were drawn.
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