Swim program volunteers give back to local pools

Lake Park Aquatic Center gladly accepted donations from volunteers who help with the kids swimming program. Pictured are volunteers Sher Alloway and Darrell Dunfee with Lake Park Aquatic Center Assistant Manager Rachel Schlarb. Coshocton’s pool also received two lifeguard umbrellas and two Ambu Spur II Bag Resuscitators. Josie Sellers | Beacon

Lake Park Aquatic Center gladly accepted donations from volunteers who help with the kids swimming program. Pictured are volunteers Sher Alloway and Darrell Dunfee with Lake Park Aquatic Center Assistant Manager Rachel Schlarb. Coshocton’s pool also received two lifeguard umbrellas and two Ambu Spur II Bag Resuscitators. Josie Sellers | Beacon
COSHOCTON – Volunteers who run the local kids swimming program showed their appreciation to area pools by making donations to help them kick off their 2017 season.
Sher Alloway and Darrell Dunfee presented two new lifeguard umbrellas and two Ambu Spur II Bag Resuscitators to staff at the River View Community Pool and Lake Park Aquatic Center on May 16.
“They donate their pools for our program and we like to give back to them to show how much we appreciate what they do for the kids in our county,” Alloway said.
River View Community Pool Manager Nathan Asire greatly appreciated the donations.
“We really go through umbrellas,” he said. “I probably have to buy four to six a year because the wind and storms break them. It’s nice to have someone else step in and donate them.
Asire said his pool will open to the public on Friday, May 26. Regular hours are 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1 to 7 p.m. Sundays. Admission is $5 for adults, $4 for students, and children 2 and under are free. You also can purchase $90 punch cards, which are good for 30 admissions for children or adults or group passes that are good for four people and are $195 through Memorial Day weekend.
“We certainly appreciate these donations and your continued dedication to providing the residents of our area with accessible swimming lessons,” said Jesse Fischer, Warsaw council and park board member.
Lake Park Assistant Pool Manager Rachel Schlarb was just as excited as Asire to receive the donations from Alloway and Dunfee.
“This means a lot to us,” Schlarb said. “I think they give us something every year and I know the guards appreciate it.”
Lori Everhart, park director, also appreciates the donations.
“The Coshocton Park District truly values the partnership we have with the local water program volunteers,” she said. “They are a tremendous asset for the Coshocton community as well as a great resource for our organization. We would like to thank them for their donation of pool equipment, this year and in years past. They continue to provide top-notch training for our lifeguards and for that we are truly grateful.”
Schlarb said Lake Park’s pool opens Saturday, May 27 and regular hours will be 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and noon to 7 p.m. Sundays. Admission is $7 for adults and $5 for students. They also have a Funday Monday special where every Monday admission is $5 for everyone.
Schlarb and Dunfee have both volunteered for swimming lessons for quite some time.
“I want to be able to give back to the community and help kids learn to swim,” Dunfee said. “You hear about so many kids drowning each year. They don’t have to be Olympic swimmers. I just want them to be able to get themselves out of trouble and be safe around water.”
Summer kids swim lesson are at Lake Park July 5-18 in the evening and Warsaw July 19 – Aug. 1 in the morning. A new learn to swim class for adults also is being offered.
“We’ve had requests for that so we are going to give it a try,” Alloway said.
Adult swim lessons will be held for two weeks in the morning on Tuesdays and Thursdays June 13 and 15 and June 20 and 22 at Lake Park.
Registration for adult lessons and Warsaw/Lake Park kid’s swim lessons is 6 to 8 p.m. Monday, June 5 at the Red Cross office. The kids’ program cost $45 and the adult program costs $25. For more information on swimming programs, call Alloway at 740-202-0898. Do not call the Red Cross office.
“The donations we make are made possible because of the money people pay for lessons,” Alloway said. “The money goes back into the program and helps certify our instructors, life guards and helping the pools.”
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